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Rust Setup (Disconnect Error List)


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(Error Message) : (Error Code) : (Error Reason) : (Suggested Solution)

Misc. Reason Key:
1. *Unknown Error Reasons = This should never fail... and its likely due to the users PC (Anti-Virus, Anti-Cheat, ect.)
2. *Removed Error Reasons = This has a reason we cannot explain to the general public, the suggested solution will almost always be to refer to a dev

This list purely contains the information about unidentifiable errors, some errors won't be in this list, because they are self-explainable (Or possibly the list needs to be updated)

Error Key:
? = Identifying Code Inserted Here (Share with dev upon possible contact)
ERRORCODE = Windows Error Code Inserted Here (Share with dev upon possible contact)


(Bootstrap Failure) : (Invalid Processed Data 0x?) : (Failed to Contact Our Loaders Build Server) : (Servers may be Offline, or Users ISP is Blocking Connection)
(Bootstrap Failure) : (Failed to Open Client) : (*Unknown) : (Contact Dev)
(Bootstrap Failure) : (Failed to Cleanup Internet Data) : (*Unknown) : (Process Might be Limited by Anti-Virus)
(Bootstrap Failure) : (Failed to Query Process) : (Failed to Query Required Permissions to Loader Process) : (Process Might be Limited by Anti-Virus)
(Bootstrap Failure) : (Failed to Query Startup Info) : (*Unknown) : (Process Might be Limited by Anti-Virus or Contact Dev)
(Bootstrap Failure) : (Failed to Map Startup Info) : (*Unknown) : (Process Might be Limited by Anti-Virus or Contact Dev)
(Bootstrap Failure) : (Failed to Query Execution) : (*Unknown) : (Process Might be Limited by Anti-Virus or Contact Dev)
(Bootstrap Failure) : (Image Crash Detected! ErrorID: ERRORCODE) : (*Unknown) : (Contact Dev)
(Bootstrap Failure) : (Failed to Cleanup Image!) : (*Unknown) : (Contact Dev)

(Initialization Failure) : (0x0) : (*Removed) : (Contact Dev)

(Initialization Failure) : (0x1 : 0x0) : (*Unknown) : (User Process Might be Limited by Anti-Virus???)
(Initialization Failure) : (0x1 : 0x1) : (*Unknown) : (User Process Might be Limited by Anti-Virus???)

(BCode) : (0x5) : (SQL Server is Offline) : (Server is Offline, Likely Under Maintanence)

(Overlay Failure) : (0x0) : (Couldn't Register DX Window Class) : (Missing DirectX Runtimes Likely / Runtimes Need to be Updated / DirectX Version Unsupported)
(Overlay Failure) : (0x1) : (Couldn't Create or Update Window) : (Contact Dev, Shouldn't ever happen)
(Overlay Failure) : (0x2) : (Couldn't Create DX Device) : (Missing DirectX Runtimes Likely / Runtimes Need to be Updated / DirectX Version Unsupported)
(Overlay Failure) : (0x3) : (Window / Window Handle Invalid or Closed) : (Potentially Re-Install DirectX or Contact Dev)

(Injection Failure) : (0x0) : (Product Injection Data Missing) : (Product Data Corrupted / Product DLL isn't Uploaded / Product DLL hasn't been Processed)

//Missing Error Codes (Shifting, haven't moved them down as stuff is still being added)

(Injection Failure) : (0x9 : 0x14) : (*Removed) : (Delete & Unninstall Completely Any Anti-Virus / Contact Dev)
(Injection Failure) : (0x10) : (*Removed) : (Delete & Unninstall Completely Any Anti-Virus / Contact Dev)
(Injection Failure) : (0x11 : 0x1) : (Invalid Injection Product Data) : (Instruct them to try using a VPN / Contact Dev)
(Injection Failure) : (0x11 : 0x2) : (Invalid File Handle Access) : (Delete & Unninstall Completely Any Anti-Virus / Contact Dev)
(Injection Failure) : (0x11 : 0x3) : (*Removed) : (Contact Dev)
(Injection Failure) : (0x12) : (*Removed) : (Missing C-Redistributable Packages / Contact Dev)
(Injection Failure) : (0x13) : (*Removed) : (Outdated or Missing C-Redistributable Packages / Contact Dev)
(Injection Failure) : (0x14) : (Build Server Failure) : (Contact Dev)

(Bypass Failure) : (0x0 : 0x1) : (*Unknown) : (Contact Dev)
(Bypass Failure) : (0x0 : 0x2) : (*Unknown) : (Contact Dev)
(Bypass Failure) : (0x0 : 0x3) : (*Unknown) : (Contact Dev)

(Bypass Failure) : (0x1 : 0x0) : (Corrupted System Structures) : (Uninstall Anti-Virus / Contact Dev / Re-Install Windows / Refund)
(Bypass Failure) : (0x1 : 0x1) : (Corrupted System Structure) : (Uninstall Anti-Virus / Contact Dev & Submit User Log @ C:\Users\Public\Loader.log)
(Bypass Failure) : (0x1 : 0x2) : (*Unknown) : (Unninstall KASPERSKY / Disable Face-It or Vanguard or Kernel Anti-Virus / Contact Dev)
(Bypass Failure) : (0x1 : 0x3) : (*Unknown) : (Unninstall KASPERSKY / Disable Face-It or Vanguard or Kernel Anti-Virus / Contact Dev)
(Bypass Failure) : (0x1 : 0x4) : (*Unknown) : (Contact Dev / Re-Install Windows / Refund)
(Bypass Failure) : (0x1 : 0x5) : (Invalid System Physical Memory Ranges) : (Contact Dev / Re-Install Windows / Refund)

(Bypass Failure) : (0x2 : 0x0) : (*Unknown) : (Contact Dev)
(Bypass Failure) : (0x2 : 0x1) : (Unsupported Version of Windows) : (Re-Install Windows / Refund)
(Bypass Failure) : (0x2 : 0x4) : (*Unknown) : (Contact Dev)
(Bypass Failure) : (0x2 : 0x5) : (Corrupted System Structures) : (Uninstall Anti-Virus / Contact Dev / Re-Install Windows / Refund)
(Bypass Failure) : (0x2 : 0x6) : (*Unknown) : (Disable Face-It or Vanguard or Kernel Anti-Virus / Contact Dev)
(Bypass Failure) : (0x2 : 0x7) : (*Unknown) : (Disable Face-It or Vanguard or Kernel Anti-Virus / Contact Dev)
(Bypass Failure) : (0x2 : 0x8) : (*Unknown) : (Disable Face-It or Vanguard or Kernel Anti-Virus / Contact Dev)
(Bypass Failure) : (0x2 : 0x9) : (Corrupted System Structures) : (Uninstall Anti-Virus / Contact Dev / Re-Install Windows / Refund)
(Bypass Failure) : (0x2 : 0x10) : (Corrupted System Structures) : (Uninstall Anti-Virus / Contact Dev / Re-Install Windows / Refund)
(Bypass Failure) : (0x2 : 0x14) : (Setup-Check Failure -ZFS Failure) : (Refund / Contact Dev)

//0x3 : 0x??? = EFI System Failures (We are working on resolving these issues, some of them appear unsolvable and aren't really on our end but most are and are just incredibly difficult to debug, so please bring users forward who aren't in the specified error codes marked as "REFUND")

(Bypass Failure) : (0x3 : 0x???) : (EFI Setup Failure) : (Contact Dev & Submit User Log @ C:\Users\Public\Loader.log / Re-Install Windows)

(Bypass Failure) : (0x3 : 0x14) : (EFI Firmware Environment Corruption / Unsupported UEFI Firmware) : (INJECT BEFORE SPOOFING!!! / Update BIOS / Re-Install UEFI Windows / Refund)

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